Defend Life, Oct-Nov., 1998, Vol. 10, No. 7

'Clintonspeak' will destroy land

By Tres Kerns

It has been said throughout history that lack of communication results in disagreements, mistakes, problems and yes, even war. If this is the case, then we are in a heap of big trouble when trying to understand the language of President Clinton--a man so caught up in himself and his political aspirations that one wonders if we will ever hear him speak the truth.

When I lie, everybody knows it, first because I seldom do it and secondly, because I get quite nervous.

To see Bill Clinton tell the truth is like me telling a lie; he sweats profusely and it does not happen very often. Doublespeak and spin are his trademarks.

Our latest example is his 'unapology,' in which he would have us believe that he truly is repentant for his actions. When he says, 'I'm sorry,' does he mean about getting caught or having to say those words?

Let's take a closer look at the politics of meaning as coined by the Clintonites.

Candidate Bill Clinton was asked by a reporter in 1992 if he had every smoked marijuana in his youth, to which he replied, 'I never broke any laws in this country.'

A British reporter picked up on this and asked Mr. Clinton if he ever used illegal drugs at Oxford, and his now-famous reply, 'I never inhaled,' became part of the political landscape.

Later in his bid for the presidency, the Gennifer Flowers affair came up. This time, to silence his critics, both Hillary and he appeared on '60 Minutes' to assure America that their marriage had some 'mistakes,' but that they had worked them out, and Billy Boy promised to behave himself.

After misleading us all along and denying an affair with Ms. Flowers, he admitted in his Paula Jones deposition to having one sexual encounter with her. She has the tapes and records to back up her 12-year relationship with Bill. And we now know that there have been many more women destroyed by his reckless behavior.

How many more times has President Clinton lied to us through his double talk? Did he tell us the truth about health care, school lunch programs, the clean air bill, the Mexican bailout, shutting down the government, Medicaid and Medicare and yes, campaign contributions from the Chinese?

Looking at his past history, the short answer is no. The long and more damaging answer may not be known until he is out of office.

Truth and consequences is not just a game show; it is how a democracy survives. Without truth from our government officials, our country will not work. We are doomed for failure like every other great civilization that did not heed the call.

Make no mistake about the language of deceit and spin; it will destroy this great land of ours. As the Bible says, 'The truth will set you free!'

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