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Pro-Life Training Program Series

Anti-life mentality is humanistic

By Janet M. Baker

The anti-life impetus in our society today bears many facets that seem to be independent of one another.  We see an abortion façade, a gay-rights façade, a pornography façade, etc.  In reality, common fundamental principles underlie all such thinking.  We need to become familiar with these mental underpinnings if we are to successfully deal with them.

In his “Pro-Life Training Program,” Brian Clowes proposes twelve characteristics of the anti-life mentality.  This mentality:

  1. is humanistic
  2. embraces situational ethics
  3. cannot distinguish between genuine and counterfeit freedoms
  4. is motivated by guilt
  5. is short-sighted
  6. is self-centered and cannot love
  7. is inherently coercive (stark example – the Kampfs of Maine who kidnapped their daughter to drag her to an abortuary – in jail now)
  8. is incurably paranoid
  9. is intrinsically pessimistic
  10. is pathologically dependent
  11. cannot reason properly
  12. cannot tolerate opposition

If anyone doubts that the anti-life folks are plagued with these characteristics, I suggest you go to an abortuary and offer witness.  You most likely will see some, if not all, of these characteristics being manifested by the abortionists and their supporters.

In my opinion, the first one is the principle characteristic of the anti-life mentality.  In fact, it is a key philosophical underpinning of all the manifestations of the anti-life movement.

Space prohibits me from going into all the salient aspects of their thinking.  However, I do recommend that you read their own words.  Anti-lifers are quite frank in their disdain for Christianity.  As the name implies, they start with man as opposed to God.  Over the years, they have set forth their tenets in documents entitled “Humanist Manifesto.”

There are three versions, all of which are on the website of the American Humanist Association.  The website is  On the right-hand side are links to the original 1933 manifesto and the updated versions.  Read them.  Study them.  Notice who the signers are.

At least one of them was an abortion-rights proponent.  Equally ominous is the signature of John Dewey.  Mr. Dewey is commonly regarded as the “father of modern education.”  Given the current state of public education, is it any wonder that it has such roots?

The humanists make plain that they reject God as a person, as evidenced by the first six articles of the original manifesto.  The fifth article opines that “religious” humanists have a “duty” to “encourage achievements that add to the satisfactions of life.”

Well, what could such “satisfactions” be but hedonism and pride?  Yes, indeed, humanism is one big violation of the First and Second Commandments.  Now we see why those are the First and Second Commandments; all the others follow from them.

Take a look at the sixth and seventh articles of the second manifesto, and see the groundwork not only for the “sexual revolution” but for euthanasia as well.  Again, that’s another part of the rejection of God and the attempt to deify man.

It is clearly idolatry, although people embracing this post-modern idolatry do not set up golden calves but themselves as their own gods.  They may well embrace their own versions of “plastic Jesus”; that’s why many humanists are to be found in the pews and even in the hierarchy of the Church.

Again, I urge one and all to take a look at the humanist website to develop an understanding of the mental paradigm that underlies the anti-life and anti-God poison that is corrupting our society, our schools and yes, our Church.  Only when we understand our opponents can we combat and maybe convert them.